Friday, 30 August 2013

Learning to Viking Knit

I love wire work jewellery and last week eventually got around to viking knitting. I have loved the viking chains for some time but was put off trying by the expensive tool that you appeared to need for this.
I realised I could make my own kit and here it is.
It is a wooden spoon priced 59p  with a daisy made out of wire on the top with a plastic tie.
You make the daisy to thread the wire through. I was advised to use a thin enough wire for the daisy so you can pull it through a draw plate. But you can remove the daisy before doing so.I found I did not really need the tie since you can hold on the daisy whilst you weave.You can male your own draw plate by drilling different size holes on a length of wood. But I used a knitting needle gauge I got for £2.50 at a craft shop.Not bad a hoem made kit for around £3 and it works,